There are many benefits to circumcision. Here’s a list of the most important. You will see a decrease in HIV and gonorrhea, lower risk of cancer of your penis, and lower urinary tract infections. All of these factors make circumcision an excellent choice. There are many other benefits. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of each type of circumcision. Don’t forget about sharing this information with your friends.
Reduces risk of HIV
Recent research shows that circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection in genetically linked transmissions between circumcised and uncircumcised men by 40%. However, this reduction is not statistically significant. The investigators also excluded men taking antiretroviral therapy, and compared transmission risk based upon HIV viral load and circumcision status. Although the risk of HIV infection in uncircumcised men was 47% lower than that of their circumcised counterparts, this difference is not significant.
Researchers also looked at HIV infections in low- and middle income countries to determine if circumcision helps protect against HIV infection. Despite being less common in low- and middle-income countries, circumcision is associated with lower rates. Circumcision can also reduce the risk for HIV transmission from female to male. This could make circumcision worthwhile for MSM in these nations. More research is needed before we can confirm that circumcision can help to reduce HIV transmission, especially from women to men.
Reduces the risk of gonorrhea
Despite widespread misconceptions about circumcision, there is no clear evidence that circumcision reduces the risk of gonorrhea. A large cohort study was conducted on 3274 men in the United States. Randomly, men were assigned to immediate or delayed circumcision. They also had their sexual behavior evaluated every three months. Total of 1757 urine samples from men were collected to determine the prevalences of chlamydia, vaginalis, and gonorrhea.
The study also showed that circumcision can reduce the risk for gonorrhea, and other STIs. The exact nature and extent of this reduction are unknown. While circumcision may reduce the risk for transmission to partners sexually, it is not clear if it reduces the acuity of infection and the sequelae. More research is needed in order to confirm these findings. It is important that you remember that the risk reduction will likely be minimal and non-significant in terms of the severity of the infection.
Reduced risk of penis cancer
It seems that penile cancer is prevented by circumcision, which is performed before a man turns 18. The risk of developing epidermoid/squamous-cell cancer of penis in circumcised men is almost negligible. Penile cancer is also less likely to occur if you have a healthy lifestyle and follow good hygiene practices. It is important to maintain good hygiene habits after circumcision, if necessary.
Balanitis, a condition that causes inflammation, is a common reason for circumcision. Yeast fungi are capable of migrating up the urinary tract and can contribute to prostate cancer. The risk of developing prostate Cancer in men who have been circumcised should be significantly lower. But, circumcision does not guarantee that you will not get the disease. It is important to discuss this issue with your doctor before undergoing a circumcision procedure.
Reduces risk of urinary tract infections
Understanding the causes of urinary tract infections is an important first step to protecting yourself from them. Although they are usually harmless, these infections can be quite unpleasant and can have serious consequences if there are recurrent infections. This seven-part video series presents useful information about UTI prevention, based on actual patient experiences. Read on to discover how a simple change to your lifestyle can significantly reduce your risk of a urinary tract infection.
Drink plenty of fluids. Recent research suggests that women at high risk of developing a UTI should increase the amount of water they drink by three pints daily. The study’s researchers found that women who consumed more water than usual were half the likely to have a UTI. Increasing fluid intake is a crucial step in reducing your risk of UTI. And while it may seem obvious, water helps your body flush out bacteria.